External Parallel Port devices and Linux

Many external peripheral devices are available in versions that connect to a personal computer's parallel printer port. Over the last couple of years, much work has gone into developing drivers so that these devices can be used with the Linux operating system. If you have a parallel port peripheral and would like to see if a Linux driver is available, this is the place to look.

Some of these drivers have been written using reverse engineering techniques because their manufacturers have been unwilling or unable to provide technical information to Linux developers. Even when they were unable to provide specific information, some vendors have contributed hardware as a way of acknowledging the importance of the Linux market. We extend our thanks to all the people who have helped in one way or another.

The linux-parport mailing list

If you don't find information here about a product that you are interested in, you can contact developers and other interested users through the linux-parport mailing list.

You can join the linux-parport mailing list by sending a mail message to

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The linux-parport mailing list archive

If you need some information that is not covered on these pages, you may find that the subject has been discussed on the linux-parport mailing list. You can look back through the list archives by visiting http://www.torque.net/parport/archive/.

Search the parport pages at torque.net.

An ht://Dig search engine is now available to help you locate information in these pages:

Did we miss something ?

If you have or know about a page that should be linked here, please send the maintainer of these pages, Tim Waugh, a mail message.

Links to the homepages of some Linux parallel port driver projects:


Special thanks go to these companies for equipment donations:

Supported products

The following is a list, arranged in alphabetical order by manufacturer, of most of the parallel port devices for which Linux support is available or in development. Click on a product name to find out more.

Some other related links

This page last modified Sunday, 2 January 2000