Finding LPT Port addresses with Debug

C:\>debug /?
Runs Debug, a program testing and editing tool.

Debug [[drive:][path]filename [testfile-parameters]]

  [drive:][path]filename  Specifies the file you want to test.
  testfile-parameters     Specifies command-line information required by   
                          the file you want to test.

After Debug starts, type ? to display a list of debugging commands.

One of the functions Debug provides is the ability to dump memory contents to the screen -

d start_address end_address
What's all this segment:offset stuff ? - see A note on 8086/88 Memory Segmentation

-d 0:408 40d
0000:0400                          78 03 00 00 00 00                 x.....


So, in this example, LPT1 is at 378 Hex with LPT2 and LPT3 not present.

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last updated: 13-Mar-97 Ian Harries <>